Monday, March 2, 2020

an overture...

Something introductory.

A preamble to a dramatic musical journey of mine found with a little band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  A prelude to a lifelong dream of wanting to tell the stories and the anecdotes of my life following this group awash in light and sound, year after year, tour after tour, show after show.  But it needed to be bigger than just my journey and understanding and it could not be chronological.  It just would not make sense in such a linear retelling.  As the music gets turned around and upside down, so has the story of this band and my fascination with their music.  The hope is for a deeper, more episodic presentation built to entice both the jaded vet and impressionable noob while entertaining all those in between.  Shows will be reviewed and statistics will be thrown around for all my setlist nerd family, but there will also be room for more interpretations and more connections explored between the music and this insatiable need we all seem to acquire. We have all been left a bit different after finding this band - good always comes with some bad - but, overall I have learned more and lived more since my first show nearly twenty years ago than I could have ever imagined when first introduced to their sound.

When faced with the term "introduction," there are two specific dates that come to mind, but they are not about "bustouts" or palindromes, repeats or the last time a certain tune was played.  They are both about decisions I made based around events those nights, during (and after) those shows that would go on to alter my life forever.  

One decision was to go to Toad's Place in New Haven, CT on November 17, 2000 to see the Disco Biscuits for the very first time. An introduction.  While the discussion of this show will make its way public later this year, I cannot say that I had any idea as to what was enveloping my senses that evening.  Years later I would realize just how good that music had been, but it was the connections made that night that forced a change of plans for the New Year's Eve show ahead in Worcester.  Small decisions at the time, a change of hotel perhaps, but in hindsight decisions that lead me down a path I would not change for the world.  The other decision was seven years later, after what feels like a lifetime's worth of changes had occurred.  Through friends of friends I met my wife after venturing south on a whim, and contemplating a major life decision to move out of the northeast.  Sure there is no clean recording of that night and the music was probably surpassed a multitude of times by now, but it is the feelings that this music holds long after such a night that draws us all back again and again.  

The desire for this blog is to foster an environment in which people feel inspired to delve deeper into a sound that can emotionally move so many.  There has to be a reason that there are so many love stories and friendships found in every group of friends throughout this scene.  There must be something other than notes strung ever-so-dramatically over beats meant to unite and divide attention.  These types of stories will intertwine with other people's tales and the depth of this band and their fans can be showcased in more and more nuanced fashion.  This will be a place for all of us to reminisce and discover the days when I remember when...a place for Bisco.

🌲 👽 🌲



P.s Thank you to both Andrew Blackstein(IG: @blacksteinphotography) and Dave Vann(IG: @dv_in_sf) for allowing us to use their amazing photography.  

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